Linda Sandel Pettit

There are people who speak with such knowing and reverence about the interconnectedness of all things that my mind goes completely quiet in their presence. I am filled with awe; my heart opens wide. Dave Elleray is one of these wise and spell-binding people. His insights about the 3 Principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness nourish spiritually and awaken practical wisdom for living in a bolder, yet more sensitive and effective way. Dave is both a present, deep listener and an inspiring speaker.

Linda Sandel Pettit, Ed.D., Counseling Psychologist

Bill Pettit

“In sharing his personal journey of insights regarding the Three Universal Principles of Mind, Consciouness and Thought, which have brought him to an ever growing experience of wonder, love, joy and peace, David Elleray brings a powerful aliveness, freshness and depth that awakens the innate wisdom and wellbeing of those present“

Bill Pettit Jr. MD

Coizie Bettinger

Lucky me, that I have spent so much time with Jenny Anderson and with Dave Elleray! Jenny’s quiet demeanor is full of presence and wisdom. She shares that just by being around her. Dave is nothing but love! It flows out of him, enveloping everyone around him. Both Jenny and Dave are of such service to humanity, wherever and whenever they see a need. Just being around them offers anyone an experience of grace. Both of them have struggled, have had events in their lives that would challenge anyone. But their deep and true understanding of how life works has given them the capacity to be of service , to listen, to teach, to help. They are a gift to all of us who know them.

Coizie Bettinger

Dicken Bettinger

“Dave Elleray had his life blown wide open when he gained insight into the magic of the 3 Principles. He gained a glimpse into the true source and nature of both the natural world and of human beings. His teaching simultaneously brings you back down to earth while opening your eyes to wonder and unimagined possibilities. Spend time with Dave and allow him to remind you of all that you already are.”

Dicken Bettinger, Ed.D., Retired Psychologist, Psychological Educator, and Co-author of Coming Home

Terry Rubenstein

Dave and Jenny are profound teachers of the human experience. They both have equally impressive and hard bearing life experience that could have worn them down and set them on a completely different path. Instead they turned their lives around and have individually and now together immersed themselves in this learning that they now share all over the world to different cultures and peoples.

They are avid students of the Principles of the mind, as well as being avid students of life and living. Their depth, warmth, sense of fun and adventure and commitment to being of service, is to be admired and respected. Their teaching embodies a beautiful combination of spiritual depth and practical logic. Anyone that learns with them is bound to be greatly affected and impacted.

Terry Rubenstein

Michael Neill

“When I first stumbled across the 3 principles, there were virtually no resources available other than a few mostly out of print books and audio recordings. I actually had to use the yellow pages (remember them?) to track down practitioners. Rudi and Jenny have catalyzed a renaissance in the field, and thanks to their tireless round the world quest to bring the inside-out understanding to the general public, there are hundreds of videos, audios, and websites devoted to this important field. Best of all, they practice what they preach, and you will feel their loving presence and wisdom in every course they present!”
Michael Neill, bestselling author of numerous titles, including the principles-based book The Inside-out Revolution: the Only Thing you Need to Know to Change your Life Forever!

Michael Neill – Author and Radio Host

Linda Ramus

“As the former director of the 3 Principles Services Division with the department of Alcohol and Drug Services, county of Santa Clara in San Jose California, it is my pleasure to recommend Jenny as a facilitator of the 3 Principles. While director of the 3PSD for over 11 years, I worked with some of the most experienced 3 Principles facilitators in the world. I have observed Jenny’s humility, deep feeling and understanding with which she shares the Principles matches that of the most experienced trainers I have encountered.
Her dedication to sharing the understanding of the Principles with the world is unparalleled. Jenny and Rudi’s work is supporting and promoting the work of the Three Principles throughout the world. They have gone about their work with absolute integrity to the understanding of the Principles.”

Linda Ramus – M.A., M.Ed. former Director of the 3P Services Division, County Department, California

Linda Sandel Pettit, Ed.D.

“In ‘The Missing Link’, Syd Banks, who first described the 3 Principles, encourages readers to look for teachers who are well-balanced, happy and who reflect and demonstrate a highly desirable quality of life. What stands out most for me about Jenny and Rudi is the beautiful feeling they live from….from that feeling, they teach in a way that is meaningful, purposeful and illuminating. Their words touch the heart and speak to the soul – catalyzing insights for personal and professional growth. I’ve learned much from them and know they have a deep understanding of the 3 Principles to offer those who seek them out as coaches and facilitators.”

Linda Sandel Pettit, Ed.D. – Counseling Psychologist

Dr. Judith Sedgeman

“Jenny offers a fresh, warm and heartfelt experience of the Principles. She is a caring, humble person with a commitment to continual deepening of her own understanding. Spending time with her is inspiring as she makes the logic of the Principles accessible and meaningful to people at any stage of their learning.”

Dr. Judith Sedgeman – Three Principles facilitator

Jamie Smart

“Jenny sees the inside-out nature of life with amazing simplicity, clarity and a depth of understanding I really love. She is a superb facilitator who really ‘walks her talk’.”

Jamie Smart- Author of the #1 bestselling book, Clarity: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results

Dr. Mark Howard

“I have known Jenny for several years. I find her to be a wonderful teacher of the understanding of the three principles. She has a solid grasp of the principles and teaches it with certainty and credibility. She has a personable, friendly style of teaching that makes the audiences very comfortable and eager to learn.”
“I am impressed by her creativity and determination for her projects. Together with her business partner Rudi they developed an international, web-based resource center that has served thousands of clients and teachers of the three principles. Many of the videos they created themselves by traveling the world to document various teachers and communities that support the three principles. This resource center provides immediate access to anyone who wishes to learn about the principles from the most experienced teachers and providers. The resource center is a testament to their inspiration and dedication to their vision.”

They are warm-hearted people with strong integrity. She teaches from her heart and cares deeply for her audiences. She teaches with clarity and listens well to their audience. I have found it very easy to learn from her
I wholeheartedly endorse Jenny as a teacher of the three principles.”

Dr. Mark Howard – Psychologist and 3P facilitator

Dr. Bill Pettit

“I am writing this to endorse Jenny as a person of integrity, a creative pioneer, grounded Three Principles teacher and facilitator. Once Jenny had a powerful insight into the nature of the Three Principles of Mind ,Thought and Consciousness, she set out to share these truths with vigor and enthusiasm. She makes every room she enters a little brighter and hearts of those present a bit lighter. She demonstrate the power that living in a beautiful feeling has in facilitating access to wisdom in self and in others. It is without reservation that I endorse Jenny as a teacher of The Three Principles.”

Dr. Bill Pettit – Psychiatrist and 3P facilitator

Ami Chen Mills-Naim

“Jenny has given herself in selfless, joyful service for several years now in order to promote the Three Principles globally. In this way, she has been an inspiration to so many of us ‘old timers’ in the 3 Principles community–the living proof that there is no hierarchy, no conditions of time, or of seniority, for wisdom.”

“Her profound understanding of the Principles is what led her generosity of spirit, and her teaching is a reflection of this: of who she is, and what she understands about life–which is quite a lot!”
“As a friend, as a colleague, as a 3 Principles teacher and ‘promoter,’ I simply love her.”

Ami Chen Mills-Naim – Radio Host and Author

Dr. Dicken Bettinger

“Jenny defines the word “service”. Jenny and her business partner Rudi have spent years of committed dedication creating, supporting, and sustaining the Three Principles Movies website. This website is a state of the art resource for practitioners and students of the Three Principles understanding. People have no idea of the enormous number of hours required to film and edit the large numbers of videos on this site. This enormous task has been accomplished because of their vision of the role the Three Principles can play in relieving suffering in the world, and the generosity of spirit that they both work from. This has required great personal and financial sacrifice on their part, but people all over the world are benefiting from their service.”
“They have been also committed to deepening their own grounding in the Three Principles. They attended trainings in the 3Ps and completed a Training of Trainers Program run by the late Dr. Roger Mills. They also completed a residential two-month training program with the staff of Pransky and Associates. They have also had their own unique training opportunities. Because they have traveled the world to film 3P practitioners they have had the opportunity to interview first hand and witness the live projects in business, communities, the prisons, schools, and therapy practices. Being the voracious students that they are these opportunities afforded them on-going learning experiences contributing to their own grounding.”

“I have seen Jenny sharing and teaching the Principles to individuals and groups. She responds to students from a wide breadth of experience. She shares with a humility and enthusiasm that creates a lighthearted and safe learning environment. Jenny is a wonderful role model of what she teaches. Her style is gentle and accepting. And her generosity of spirit brings out the best in herstudents. You can consider yourself fortunate if you have a chance to spend time with her as she shares her understanding of the Three Principles.”

Dr. Dicken Bettinger – Psychologist and 3P facilitator

Gabriella Maldonado

“Jenny Kennard is a lovely human being, she possess a powerful internal ‘stillness’ that allows her to share deeply. It is a rich experience to listen to Jenny share her understanding of the 3 Principles because she is able to use simple everyday examples to illustrate the deep impact the Principles have in our personal lives and relationships. Co-facilitating with Jenny is a joy as she always brings the spirit of collaboration and wisdom into the room. Jenny’s commitment to share the Principles in the past four years has had great impact world-wide.”

Gabriella Maldonado-Montano – 3P facilitator