Community Groups
Please join us for our online community groups. These sessions are interactive, and a space where people can feel comfortable to share their insights, and ask questions. If you would like to email questions beforehand then please do so and we can address them during the 2 hrs. These are always a treat for us, as we never know who will show up, what stories will be shared or where the discussion will go. Freedom Thinking Community groups are great for people who are new to the Principles, or for those that have been around the understanding for years.
Please join us online using the zoom link –
To donate please either use Bank Transfer – Freedom Thinking Sort:16-52-21 Account: 54241718 or PayPal

Tuesday 20th Feb 7-9pm UK time (Online)

Monday 26th Feb 7-9pm UK time (Online)

Phone/Telegram messenger/ Signal messenger (+44)07973492078. Whatsapp messenger (+44)07855014777


Phone/Telegram messenger/ Signal messenger (+44)07973492078. Whatsapp messenger (+44)07855014777

For the Love of Life Online via Donation Retreat
Sat 23rd – Mon 25th March 2024 —- 3 pm – 9 pm gmt (3 pm -5.30 pm Break 7 – 9pm)
Please join Jen and Dave, and their fantastic guest speakers Keith Blevens, Dicken Bettinger, and Christine Heath, for a three day deep dive into the Three Principles.
We love doing these online retreats. From the comfort of your own home you can sit back and immerse yourself, as we together explore the nature of Mind, reality and our unified spirit. Bringing us to deeper feelings of gratitue, expanse and connection. These experiences truly are the antidote to psychological pain and we have regularly seen people release themselves from life long suffering via these retreats.
We do these particular retreats ‘Via Donation’ as we wish to make them accessable to everyone. There is no minimum donation, and all donations help Jen and Dave continue their work aiding people to discover the magic of life and psychological freedom.
We are aware however, that some people are not in a position to donate, so what we ask for in this case is to “pay it forward”. By this we ask that if you can not afford to donate, please help someone who needs assistance. This may be donating some time to an individual who is incapable of maintaining a garden for example, who knows? We can use our infinite creative capacity with regard to this, and please can you email us to let us know what you have done as we love to hear peoples good work.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID – 87902820073
Phone/Telegram messenger/ Signal messenger (+44)07973492078. Whatsapp messenger (+44)07855014777
For the love of life – Discovering boundless beauty event with Dave and Jenny Elleray and Dr Dicken Bettinger
Sat 22nd June to Mon 24th June nov 10pm – 5pm gmt (£199 for the weekend and the £85 for the extra day for facilitators)
Please come and join us for our up coming in person event being held at the Abbot hall social centre in Kendal Cumbria. The 24th June will be for people who already share the principles.
The three of us will share from our own experiences, how an understanding of the three universal principles, Mind, Thought and Consciousness has transformed our lives.
Over the 2-3 days our hope is that your mind will quiet, and you will have your own experience of the beauty that lies at the heart of all life. Nothing needs to change externally for us to start to live from a deeper place of love and joy, as our internal landscape changes, so does our external world, as in truth there is only one source of all life. The anwser lies within you, every single one of you, we are merely guides, pointing you in a direction.
Venue: Abbot Hall Social Centre Dowkers Lane KENDAL LA9 4DN Time: 10.30 – 5pm with a couple of hours off for lunch
Please either use Bank Transfer – Freedom Thinking Sort:16-52-21 Account: 54241718 or PayPal to reserve your place Ref: DBB retreat

PAST EVENT – The Magic of Life – Lake District, U.K
Sat 30th September 2023 – Monday 2nd October 10am – 5.30 pm (4 pm on Monday) £295 p/p
Live every day as a magic carpet ride. Live from security and well-being.
Live from freedom. Live guided by a compass of hope and love.
Live knowing what to do and when to do it.
When we understand the spiritual logic that powers the human mind,
we can experience life as an unfolding miracle,
abundant with intuitive knowing and synchronicity.
Join Jenny and Dave Elleray, teachers of the Three Principles,
for a tantalizing exploration of life as a miracle.
If you are interested in coming, but would like a quick zoom call to meet us first, then please get in touch.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch 07973492078 or
Address: The Centre, Vicarage Rd, Ambleside LA22 9DH
Venue website –

The Ripple Effect – Mentorship Programme
November 2022 – November 2023 £4500 (payment plans available)
We are looking for a small number of people who wish to take a deep dive into the nature of life, who we can support on thier journey to sustainable change via greater understanding, spiritual growth and confidence in themselves, this will then ripple out into the world.
Jen has been training facilitators in the 3 Principles understanding since 2013, and Dave since 2016. They have run impactful 6 – 12 month programmes in the U.K, Sweden and South Africa.
They have worked globally in many sectors including: Schools, prisons, Chambers of Commerce, charities, hospitals, NHS, business, refugees, addiction clinics etc
2 x 4 day in person all inclusive retreat (Dec 2022 and Nov 2023)
6 x 1.5hr Webinars with international teachers
6 x 1.5hr Connection webinars with Jen/Dave and other students
12 x 1hr one to one calls with Jen or Dave (6 with each, 1 per month)
12 x 1hr one to one calls with a partner from the training to practice sharing what you have learnt
– 2 day online event – hosted by Dave and Jen, sharing with each other, family and friends. (Jan 2024)
Media from all group events available online for 1 year
Certificate of completion
Please contact us now for more details – 07973492078, or 07855014777

Past Event
For the Love of Life Online Retreat
5th – 7th November Online (via donation)
Then please join us for our online For the Love of Life Retreat. our previous online retreats have been so much fun to run, inspired by the COVID restrictions, we realised that they could be just as impactful as our in person events, and way more accessable for people.
We run these via donation, so that anyone and everyone can come along. We have the wonderful Dicken Bettinger, Linda Pettit and Gabriela Maldonado-Montano joining us over the three days.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch 07973492078 or
Topic: For the love of life Retreat Nov 2022
Time: This is a recurring meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 8150 5203
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,89281505203# US
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Everyday Magic for the unwitting conjurer
Date 22ND – 24TH JAN 2022
There is a gap in our understanding about the simplicity of life. This gap creates confusion, helplessness and pain within lives of individuals globally. This gap is the single cause of all suffering and the destruction that occurs as a consequence.
Once this gap is bridged our lives can be transformed in a moment. The inseparable spiritual and psychological are realised and humanity and nature are united together allowing a Truth to flow and a Mind with freedom, beauty, magic and miracles to blossom into the conjuring we call life.
Please Join international facilitators Jenny and Dave Elleray, and guest speakers Christine Heath, Linda Sandel Pettit and Dicken Bettinger as we guide you on this 3 day event towards deeper understanding of Mind, Thought and Consciousness and the everyday magic behind life.
Start Time: Jan 22, 2022 10:00 AM LONDON, Finish Time: Jan 24th, 2022 18:00 PM LONDON
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 9908 4855

For the Love of Life In-person Retreat
Past event – Recordings available Dec 5th
4th – 7th noV 2021 £695 p/p Full board based (2 per room)

For the Love of Life 2 Retreat
10th – 12th April 2021 (Times vary each day so please check the itinerary) This is a VIA DONATION Event
We have some amazing guest speakers lined up – Dr Dicken Bettinger and Dr Linda Pettit, Dr William Pettit and Elsie Spittle!! An amazing line up
There is a mystery and a magic that exists behind all life, a mystery and magic that has the power to transform the mundane or suffering into the most beautiful and exciting. This is what people who have treated themselves to a Freedom Thinking retreat have found.
This retreat allows people to take time out of their everyday lives to immerse themselves in an understanding that transforms lives.
With their own personal stories of suffering, both Jenny and Dave are positioned perfectly to deliver an understanding that took them both from struggling and ‘mental illness’, to love and beauty in a moment.
Jenny and Dave travel the world sharing their understanding into the nature of existence with many cultures and populations, with beautiful stories of transformation of people in circumstances, that we would not expect to be able to live connected, fulfilling lives.
Our hope for people who attend this retreat is to stop the search, to realise the peace, wellbeing and love that is alway present within all of us. To find new ways to navigate life with less stress, overwhelm and urgency.
To realise that we are built for life, we have knowledge within us that can guide us through any circumstance or situation. You will find yourself looking within for answers rather than looking for others to ‘fix’ you.
Dr Dicken Bettinger –
Dicken was privildged to be a student of Sydney Banks for 28 years. Dicken shares from a place of deep love and wisdom, he has travelled the world helping people wake up to their true nature for the last 30 years. To find out more about Dicken please visit his website
Dr Linda Pettit –
“I know there is a mysterious Spirit, or God, behind life, invisible to my eye. I feel it animating everything. I sense its benevolence. I see its beauty and Truth everywhere. The Three Principles understanding affirmed my knowing. I sense the guidance of this Spirit, or God, in intuitive energy, synchronicity, dreams, and in feelings of contentment and love. I follow a “way,” of love and a creative flow. I feel the wisdom of God at my back. The Three Principles understanding made this more accessible.
Dr William Pettit –
“It was the weekend of April Fools’ day in 1983 and in lieu of experiencing the pranks this day is known for, I was listening to a man called Sydney Banks talk about the spiritual nature of the human mind. Sitting in San Francisco that afternoon, I had hope awaken in me — hope that I could find a better level of mental health — and it lightened my heart and mind more than any practical joke could have.
Elsie Spittle –
Elsie had the privilege of receiving “on the job” training directly from Mr. Banks, travelling with him to address mental health practitioners, educators, and others seeking a deeper understanding of life.
Jenny Anderson and Dave Elleray ( Please check the ABOUT US section of our webiste)

The Logic of Freedom Online Retreat
30th January to the 1st Feb 2021
After the success of our last 3 online retreats we have decided to run another one in January 2021.
We invite you to join us on a 3 day exploration of life, spirit, unity and wholeness. We will be sharing from our understanding how and where peace, happiness and ease exist in life, and what it is that seems to keep us from these experiences.
We will have some guest speakers the amazing Elsie Spittle the wondeful Lisa Elleray and Dr Dicken Bettinger.
Elsie Spittle – Elsie had the privilege of receiving “on the job” training directly from Mr. Banks, travelling with him to address mental health practitioners, educators, and others seeking a deeper understanding of life. To find out more about Elsie please visit her website –
Dr Dicken Bettinger – Dicken was privildged to be a student of Sydney Banks for 28 years. Dicken shares from a place of deep love and wisdom, he has travelled the world helping people wake up to their true nature for the last 30 years. To find out more about Dicken please visit her
Lisa Elleray – Lisa came accorss the principles 7 years ago when she attended an event with Dicken in Manchester, she had no idea what she was going to listen to, her life transformed and she has continued to uncover her essence since then. She shares in a simple profound humorous way.