Individual Services


Our One-to-Ones are with Dave, Jenny or both. The ‘In Person’ options are based in Cumbria or Essex but can be arranged in other locations to suit your needs at additional cost.  Please contact us to arrange dates and times, or to ask for more information.



Our intensives are ‘In Person’ with Dave, Jenny or both.  They are based in Cumbria or Essex but can be arranged in other locations to suit your needs at additional cost. To find out more, and see if this option is right for you please contact Freedom Thinking.

3 Day Intensive
4 Day Intensive

Other Services

NEW Freedom Thinking Retreat Videos  

+ 1hr one to one with Jenny and Dave  

View the Zoom Recordings from our most recent retreat, and then have time to ask questions and share insights with Jenny and Dave. This was a really powerful retreat, with many people sharing insights and transformations with the group.



Our group service is aimed at social meetings, schools, prisons, charities, etc, anywhere in which multiple numbers of people are present. As people within the group start to get a sense of their inner potential, insights can start to flow. Individuals can then share their realisations with the group enhancing the impact on everyone, and allowing discussion after the event within the group attendees. We can tailor a programme to suit your requirements. 


Here at Freedom Thinking we are very aware of the impact that state of mind has on all business performance. Being the greatest variable in any business, the human mind state is an essential part of productivity, turnover/profit, and wellbeing – all factors conducive to a great or poor work environment. With the understanding that we share, the potential for change and greater mental capacity can be just one fresh thought away. Unlocking the potential in people is what we specialise in. Please contact us to discuss how we can be of service to your business.


Our Relationships service is tailored for the people attending and we acknowledge that people require help moving towards diverse personal outcomes. Within this service each person has the opportunity to ask as many questions as they wish, or just sit back and listen, in order to gain maximum impact as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our Relationships service can be done in person or via Skype/Zoom etc or by telephone. 


Our mediation service is ideal to help couples or businesses overcome stumbling blocks. We specialise in helping people resolve differences and find solutions to problems quickly, saving money in legal costs. We also help people to realise they have the skills needed to overcome potential problems in the future, without requiring a mediator. Please contact us to find out more about this service.

Youth / iHeart

The iHeart curriculum is an incredible programme that we offer to children aged 11-18. We can deliver this programme within a school or as a residential during holidays. The 10 modules are interactive and include videos, animations practical activities and lots of resources to ensure insightful learning. Each module is one hour long, and they build on each other as the programme is delivered. We trained to share this program with an amazing  charity based in London.

**If you can’t find what you are looking for please contact us and we will do our best to help tailor a service specific to your requirements.