Louise Danielle

Working with Dave & Jenny has been the most transformational experience of my life. I am still struggling to put into words the incredible insights I had during our time together. It was like a deepening of understanding about myself and how life works. I had found myself feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed and seriously struggling with my relationship but during my time with them it was as if by magic all of the problems I thought I had just dropped away. I felt an instant awareness of love and connection to all things including myself and people I had previously struggled to feel empathy for. It was like they woke me up to what is actually true and I felt as though I was looking at the world with my eyes wide open for the first time and all I could see was wonder, awe and beauty. Nothing has been the same for me since and I know it never will be. I hear people in a different way, I see things in a different way and I am no longer a prisoner of thought or circumstance in my life. At least once a day I experience the feeling of deep gratitude wash over me in the most simplest yet profound ways, life feels so magical. My business has changed, my relationships have changed, my everyday interaction of life has changed I genuinely feel truly blessed to have spent time with Dave & Jenny they are a real gift to the world. What I experienced during our time together was nothing short of miraculous, my life and those I will subsequently share this understanding with will never be the same again thanks to these two wonderful people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for who you are and all that you do.
Lee Faulkner

Before working with Dave and Jenny I found myself going round in circles in life, my relationship was in turmoil, and I struggled to control feelings of anger as a result. I wanted things to change and after watching a YouTube video of Dave’s I could really relate to what he was saying in terms of how he used to feel and the changes that occurred for him as a result of this understanding. It was a very personal experience that felt laid back, I didn’t feel awkward at all and I loved how relatable Dave and Jenny were, often sharing their own experiences that made the understanding relatable to me. I was pointed in the direction of a different understanding and I could see that all of the problems I thought I had and what I thought was going wrong, wasn’t actually true. Now I have a very different outlook on things. I no longer find myself getting angry anymore or feeling like I am not in control. I can relate to people in a much better way and my relationship has improved greatly. I feel like I have found clarity and I no longer feel insecure within myself and I can see my security doesn’t come from anyone or anything outside of myself. I would recommend working with Dave and Jen to anyone who finds themselves in a situation they are struggling with personally, professionally or in their relationship.
Donna Waterfield

I would highly recommend Jenny and Dave. They are completely non-judgemental and you can ask any questions you like! You can feel their depth of knowledge of the Three Principles. I love their approach of informality and chilled out discussion.
Mari Abramson, 17
My name is Mari Abramson and I’m am 17 years old. These sessions have completely changed not only my day to day life but my future, because of the simple understanding that my mind and thoughts are everything. I think every single person needs to hear it because once you do there is no going back and you are changed for the better forever.
Brochi Ziskin, South Africa, age 18
Dave and Jenny,
You may or may not put a name to a face but this is Brochi Ziskin. The one who came all 3 sessions :p. I don’t even know where to start. So much has changed in my life in the past few days all because of one simple idea, fact, way of life (don’t know what to exactly call it) that you two have shared with us. I’m so grateful and lucky to be aware of such a concept and to be able to apply it to my life at only 18. You are changing so many peoples lives and that in turn is changing the world. It just shows what an impact we can each make in the world and you two are doing and redoing that every day. It probably started with a thought and now look what’s happened….;)
I want to thank you, for everything that you’re doing. Thank you for giving us your time and for touching our lives. When I was told about the talk on Thursday night I wasn’t so interested and just thought it was another one of those brainwashing speeches. But I was so wrong. I am so so lucky that I came and even luckier that I was able to come back again, and again. I think I told you both that the one thing that I’ve been finding hard is always worrying about the future. What will be…how it will be…when…etc. I’ve now learned that I can stop all those thoughts, feelings and make my life a lot simpler. By reminding myself about the now. That the past and future are just thoughts. It can never turn into reality and therefore the present is my only worry. Just by knowing that I have already shifted my way of thinking and living. Being able to sleep in my own room by myself, for me is such a huge step in the right direction. For the first time after nearly a year, I actually felt okay. Even a bit safe. Crime and safety ever since the break-in have prevented me from a lot and now it’s time for me to take my power back. We give our minds such power and therefore with the right thoughts, so much can be changed.
I don’t want to go on and on about myself or my life but I just want to share with you that I feel that now I have the tools to change a lot of aspects in my life. Being the youngest of 3 older girls and 1 older brother, I’ve kind of been “labeled” the quieter one. I was confused though because outside the house with my friends I was always loud and outgoing and always having fun. But then I’d come home and in fact, I was quieter than most of my siblings who were louder than me. But now it’s kind of the opposite, with my friends I feel a bit on the outside and with my family, they’re getting to see a different side of me. I never really made any sense of this until now. When people expected something from me that’s what I showed them. I never thought for myself. My parents thought I was quiet and now they think I’m louder. I never wanted to compete with my friends so now I’m quieter around them. I really relate to what you were saying Jenny. (I don’t know if any of this is making sense.)
So what I’m basically saying is that you may or may not realize how much you’re doing and how you’re really making a difference. But I have no words to thank you. For bringing so much sense, understanding and clarity into my life and into others. For sharing what you’re passionate about and for showing us that it’s not something you have to be older, smarter or stronger to do. You’re spreading fire and one day hopefully I can do the same. Thank you both from the deepest place in my heart. You are such special people and I’m so lucky to have learned so much from you. Continue to save lives and make the world a better place. I’m excited to think that in only a few days I’ve already seen change. Let’s see what the future has in store☺
Matt Jones
Jen and Dave are some of the most insightful, compassionate and loving people I have ever met. Their deep insights and sharing on how our experience of life is created by thought has had a profound effect on my life, giving me a greater perspective, a greater sense of freedom and more compassion and understanding for myself and others.
Tehilla Goodman

Hey, Tehilla Goodman here, I’m 16 years old… and I wanted to say that, innate health [the principles understanding] has improved my way of thinking, but not only that, it’s improved the way I look at me and how I look at situations around me. I feel like everyone can apply this to their lives even if they haven’t been through tough times. I know for me personally, this has helped me a fortune with the way I think about the loss of my sister and my situation at present. I think this is something all school kids should be told about and shown. It will save lives.
Warm regards❤
Rivka Orkin, 17yrs old, South Africa
It’s been just over a month and a bit since first hearing about innate health [three principles] and what it is all about. I went to 2 sessions on how to practice it. I left the sessions feeling elevated and as if I were a new person. I thought the feeling would wear off. It would fade and I would go back to my anxious ways. It hasn’t!!
Innate health is incredible since it shapes your mind. It’s a real inner change of the way you perceive things. The best part about it is that it’s not complex. It’s easy to grasp and understand. And when you do you feel a change take place inside your body. You’re less tense and more aware.
Innate health has made me a less anxious, more ‘thoughtful’ person. I would highly recommend it.
Bev Bonner

I did several short courses with Jenny and Dave, which lead me on to do the 6-day Beyond Programme in South Africa with them. Both Jenny and Dave are inspirational in every sense. Their knowledge, belief, and desire to share the Three Principles is contagious. My inner journey has just begun and I look forward to more and more ‘free thinking‘ and joyful times.
Nick, Kendal
Hi Dave and Jen,
I had a realisation last night when I was sitting alone, simply that as you both know from the group sessions I have issues with things from my past which I allowed for many many years to always affect my present.
Some of these issues are horrifying and I have carried them around in my head for the best part of 50 years.
I realised more so last night that oiam not to blame for what people did to me nor am I responsible for their actions, they all acted on a thought.
I carried this burden around for what has actually been a lifetime, but now I feel freedom like I have never felt before.
I have been through therapy and relived moments I had tried to forget, but if I had not done that I would not have been able to understand like I do now, my past is not able to affect my present at all , nor can it ever again. It has made me believe I was a victim.
I spent years hiding away from the world almost you could say a mental wreck I never went out I would hide from the world suffering from the ghosts of my past inflicted on my present.
To think of when I bumped into Dave that day in town I was lower than I had been in years and actually had a prescription from the doctors in my pocket and was going down the therapy route once again, but that chance meeting for some reason made me delay and attend my first group.
Imagine when I arrived to find no Dave only Jen, I almost walked away, but so glad I didn’t.
Being given this amazing what I can only describe as a gift has actually been life changing for me.
I’m not afraid to go out , my house is no longer a prison, I am beginning to enjoy life again without burden.
Now I get blips which I accept now as normal I try not to dwell on things knowing in the fact it’s just a thought at that moment in time.
I reflect on the past sometimes but only on good memories the truly bad ones ( of which there are many) are or at least seem to be buried away and no longer influence my present.
I would really like to say thank you both with all my heart for sharing this amazing gift.
You are both wonderful and inspirational people who are also real people, I respect you both and will always appreciate the experience this has given me.
I look forward to life for the first time for as long as I care to remember, I regret the lost years with my family when I was so as I was told depressed, but I look back now and if I had this gift then I would be a better person. But it’s never too late and I’m as I said enjoying life and making changes which suit me and my family.
This is all down to you guys and 3 principles.
Thanks for being there when without knowing I needed someone the most.
Mark Groves

There are so many coaches, techniques and theories on how to improve your life in the world today. So as Sydney Banks states in the “Missing Link” when you select a coach/teacher ask yourself…
Is my teacher a well balanced person?
Are they happy?
Do they reflect the quality of life I desire?
In my opinion Jenny has all three qualities in abundance. The training I received has had an amazing impact on my well being and was done without any intervention, technique or endless hours of going over the past. If you want to find your own inner wisdom and knowledge then I thoroughly recommend Jenny to help you find the joy and happiness that we all seek.
David Anderson

Jenny has a really strong, clear presence. Just being around her helped my own thinking slow down instantly. She is really ‘living her understanding’ and is also expressing it in a very clear way. Talking to her always makes my fascination for – and understanding of – life grow. I feel very grateful to have had the chance to explore with her.
Elaine Hilides

Attending the trainings they facilitate is a wonderful experience as they share from the heart and really touch the attendee, they are amazing facilitators. They have travelled the world learning and training and have a deep grounding that shines from them whether they are in a training or chatting over a fruit tea. they are amazing facilitators.
Jenny has quietly and gently become one of the most respected teachers of the principles and I am blessed to know her.
Jenny and her business partner Rudi have created a resource with the Three Principles Movies website that spreads the principles throughout the world in an accessible and unique way. I cannot count the times I have given this url to clients, family and friends and have asked them to go and look at the website because there is something on the site for everyone regardless of what they perceive as a challenge.
Tony Broadbent

“I’ve been around the Three Principles for almost four years now and have met some of the most amazing, grounded and beautiful people during that time. Jenny, who I met about three years ago, epitomises all three of these qualities and more besides.
During this time I’ve come to really appreciate her humility, her compassion, her selflessness, her grounding, and the unassuming way in which she goes about her life. It really is truly wonderful to see her becoming an even fuller expression of who she is and along the way slowly but surely gaining recognition for the amazing work she has already been doing. Such as co-creating and developing the ‘Three Principles Movies’ website as well as and more recently taking this understanding out in to the world through their ‘Innate Wellbeing’ business.
I have nothing but love, gratitude and admiration for Jenny, who I consider to be not only incredible role models but one of the most amazing and insightful new generation Three Principles teachers in the world today. She really is a living example of ‘be the change you want to see in the world’.
Angi Greneski

It’s weird because for the first two days after the initial course where i experienced complete stillness in my mind (from the switch being turned off to my washing machine head of continuous thoughts!), i didn’t really “get” what i was meant to be doing. However, i can honestly say i’m doing really well. and its by not doing a great deal!!! I have experienced insights which have lead me to burst into tears at how wonderful life can be in the moment when your head is not full of negative thoughts!!
This has helped me get back to work after 3 months off (and actually begin to enjoy it again), has helped with my relationships and also my focus for my fourth coming swimming event with a completely clear mind.
Im not saying i’m fully there yet but what little understanding i have has literally made me re-assess my life without thinking!! (and i know that doesn’t really make sense! So thank you so much for enabling me to learn from you something that has been, for me, a life changing experience which i hope will lead me to live the life i want to live.
Krystal Clark

“It’s absolutely fantastic, I have never experienced anything like this before! I feel so peaceful after the session. I’m learning every time i go too. I think Dave and Jenny are a great inspiration.”
Catherine Kennard

“I really love the way Dave shares his experience of the principles behind life. He shares with depth and humour and a freshness that really created a space for my own insight.”
Laura Dodgson

“I have fallen in love with myself again, and for the first time ever i have realised, that i don’t need another human being to validate anything for me.”
Ann Dodgson

“It was great meeting Dave, as always mine and Laura’s lives are a lot richer since coming across the 3 Principles, thanks again to you.”
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